Author of NOW WHAT? A Guide to Thriving After Divorce, Kristen is committed to teaching women how to create a life that they love.

Chaos is Normal with Big Change

I am reminded that chaos is the beginning of all change. We are breaking the molds and tearing our lives apart in some areas. We are deconstructing to construct on purpose. It can hurt. It is messy. We can feel emotional pain or loss. Our bodies start doing weird things. Chaos feels big. It is…

What Are You Rejecting?

It has been several years that I have been working on allowing good things to come to me. I am a giver. I mean I am more comfortable giving than receiving. Sounds noble doesn’t it? But it isn’t. It worked at some point in my life. Perhaps when I was raising little babies and that…

Burning Fire

Burning fire! That’s what my new beginning feels like. They haven’t felt like a fresh start. There is debris and fallout. It’s messy. I feel messy and disoriented. I feel like they should be inspirational and enlightened. A golden ray of light shines down showing me the way to my perfect beginning. That thought lasts…