I am reminded that chaos is the beginning of all change. We are breaking the molds and tearing our lives apart in some areas. We are deconstructing to construct on purpose. It can hurt. It is messy. We can feel emotional pain or loss. Our bodies start doing weird things. Chaos feels big. It is a beautiful way to quickly bring the change you want to your life.
As I draw closer to launching my book NOW WHAT? A Guide To Thriving After Divorce and presenting it to the world, my body is rejecting my old ways. For three weeks now, I keep having bouts of hives. These aren’t just normal hives, These hives are large, hot, itchy and cover every part of my body. I have them on my head, eye, lips, chin, neck, breast, armpits, arms, tummy, back, thighs, knees, legs and the bottom of my feet. My face and forehead have swollen to the point I needed to go to the ER twice to be shot with epinephrine. I feel out of control. There is no sense of wellness within my body right now.
But I know something. I want to share it with you. Chaos is a beautiful part of change. It is a time to surrender the past, to create our future. The chaos can’t be ignored or numbed with self sacrificing behavior. Alcohol, drugs and sex during chaos can be a distraction. Chaos is tough to allow. And that my friends is the point. The chaos must be felt, acknowledge, and allowed to happen.
My body is shedding some energy and it is revealing itself as hives. And when I didn’t know what else to do, I surrendered. Not the kind of surrender to give up. The kind of surrender where I say, I am listening, I am hearing, I am aware. Teach me.
Chaos pushes us to the end of our comfort then makes us take ten more steps. Now chaos can work its magic. For this to work for us in our lives we must do three things.
Understand that everything is always working out for you and for your benefit.
Be engaged and allow the transformative energy of chaos to work in your life, relationships, work and passions.
Look for the lesson and apply it NOW.
When we know that everything is always working out for us, then we can’t help but relax a little bit and lean in. We become a little child again curious about the chaos. Instead of fighting against in an attempt to control the outcome. We watch with curiosity as the events work in our behalf.
This isn’t a sideline work. We must be engaged with our energy, our action and our mind. Consider different perspectives. Look at all options as possibility. Try better ways to communicate and listen. Then allow it to work for you. This is where the small shift in behavior can lead to HUGE results.
All chaos reveals the lesson. What is it? What is the root of the chaos? Who is affected? What do you feel like you are sacrificing? Is it worth sacrificing? Make that change today. Exchange the mediocre for the new lesson and start doing it NOW.
My hives are revealing an unbalance in my body and energy. It wasn’t detected before. I think that is a blessing it is revealing itself now. I know how to use it to change. It’s teaching me about health. I am learning to receive love and ask for help. It’s about being vulnerable. When I am vulnerable, I allow change.
What chaos are you experiencing? Are you allowing it to be a teacher? How is it working out for you? Are you engage in the transformation of chaos? What is the lesson you can apply now?